Recession and market decline effects on public pensions
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Median public pension plan investment return assumption falls to 7.25 percent
Among 130 plans measured, more than 40 percent have reduced their investment return assumption since FY 18, resulting in a median investment return assumption of 7.25 percent. This is the lowest level in more than 40 years. (NASRA Issue Brief: Public Pension Plan Investment Return Assumptions)
Risk-sharing in public retirement plans
Nearly every state has enacted significant reforms to its pension plans in recent years, and for many plans, one outcome is that more risk has been shifted from employers to employees through use of plan designs such as variable contribution rates, variable benefits, and hybrid plans, among other features. "In-depth: Risk Sharing in Public Retirement Plans" describes broad risk sharing features established in one or more public retirement plans, as well as detailed case studies on systems whose plan designs include unique or notable risk sharing features.
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Selected Industry Resources and Reports This page provides a listing of resources and reports, maintained by NASRA and other organizations, presenting information and data about the broad public pension community. Access the listing here.
Roll Call Capturing notable events and developments in public retirement systems from reports since 2005, Roll Call is a perennial highlight of the annual conference. Members can view the most recent report as well as see previous years; login and then access it here.
立马加速器免费版Access the latest market values of assets, active members, and annuitants for over 140 state and local retirement systems here.
Member Survey Results NASRA member surveys cover a wide range of issues pertaining to retirement plan administration and policy. Survey results are available to NASRA members. Login and then access results, organized by topic, here.
Interested in joining NASRA? NASRA provides exceptional research, industry intelligence and networking opportunities for our country's largest statewide public retirement systems. In 2020, the Winter Meeting is scheduled for February 29 to March 2; the Annual Conference is scheduled for August 8-12 and both are open to members only. NASRA welcomes all public retirement systems to join; for those that do not meet the size and coverage requirements, an Educational Alliance Membership is available. Private sector firms working with pensions can join as associate members; click on the 'Membership' tab above for more information and to complete the short membership application.