The University of Missouri (Library Systems) Digital Library at is being decommissioned as of December 29, 2016. It was founded in 2001 and included text and image collections from the University of Missouri libraries and others in Missouri. It's development was overseen by a four-campus Library Systems Office, which included a digitization facility. The digitization of many of the collections in the Digital Library was funded by state LSTA grant. The software used for the digital library (DLXS) is no longer being actively maintained and developed, and the legacy University of Missouri Digital Library Digital library platform has become less stable over time. Fortunately, much of its content is duplicated in the Missouri Digital Heritage site. Other collections have been migrated to other digital repositories. The list below duplicates the list of collections as presented on the legacy University of Missouri Digital Library site, with the addition of the legacy Digital Library URL and a URL where the content many now be accessed. Please send questions to mospace @
December 16, 2016; Last updated January 3, 2017
- 17th-19th Century British Religious, Political, and Legal Tracts (MU)
- 4th of July Speeches (MU)
- American Railroad Journal (UMSL)
- Was:
- New: Coming soon
- Boone County Historical Society Civil War Collection (Boone County Historical Society)
- Catalogs of William Jewell College (William Jewell College)
- The Civil War in Missouri (UM Campuses; moving to MU Digital Library)
- 原sub网络加速器
- Debates of the 1943-1944 Constitutional Convention of Missouri (UMKC Law)
- Guides to Special Collections at Ellis Library - UMC
- 中国核工业从这里走来——来自中核集团中国原子能科学研究 ...:2021-4-25 · 新华社北京4月24日电题:中国核工业从这里走来——来自中核集团中国原子能科学研究院的蹲点报告我国第一座重水反应堆和第一台回旋加速器在这里建成;这里是中国核工业的起点——中核集团中国原子能科学研究院所在地。记者近日走进新镇,感受中国核工业近70年来波澜壮阔的历程,认识核 ...
- History of Joplin Missouri (Joplin Public Library)
- Leon E. Bloch Law Library Sir Edward Coke Collection (UMKC Law)
- Lloyd L. Gaines (MU Law)
- The Log & Environs: Yearbook of the UMC Forestry Department (MU)
- The Louisiana Purchase Exposition: The 1904 St. Louis World's Fair (MU)
- 一套大屏、一本白皮书、四场主题活动,创头条闪亮全国双创 ...:2021-6-20 · 其中,全国双创数据大屏、2021科技创新创业论坛、2021孵化载体特色发展大会、“风向标—中国创新创业先锋论坛”、2021阿里巴巴全球诸神之战创客 ...
- MU College and Department Histories (MU)
- MUtation - Yearbook of the UMC Medical and Nursing Schools (MU)
- Miscellaneous Texts from the Special Collections of the University of Missouri Libraries (MU)
- The Missouri Alumnus (MU)
- · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to
- New:
- Missouri Constitutions & Related Documents (MU Law)
- Was:
- New: Coming soon
- The Missouri Showme Magazine (MU)
- Missouri Student Association Public Legislation (MU)
- Missouriana Digital Text Collection (UM Campuses; moving to MU Digital Library)
- The Savitar - The MU Yearbook
- 去年四季度诺基亚业绩增长盈利提升 发展势头良好 ...:2021-2-14 · 诺基亚与高通宣布在毫米波与sub-6 GHz频段顺利完成5G NR 数据通话测试,进一步加速全球运营商网络实现5G部署。 诺基亚携手中国移动研究院联合发布业界首个具有定位功能的5G 室分融合组网创新方案,可满足大型繁忙建筑内的5G连接需求,并降低运营商的部署成本。
- Was:
- New: Coming soon
- The Tatler - The William Jewell College Yearbook (William Jewel College)
- · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to
- University of Missouri Journalism Series (MU)
- WHMC Civil War Manuscripts (SHS)
- 71名政协委员联名建议:广西应抢占区块链发展高地-广西新闻网:2021-1-30 · 71名政协委员联名建议—— 广西应抢占区块链发展高地 广西新闻网-广西日报记者 王春楠 今年的自治区两会上,有一件提案人气特别高,多达71名 ...
- 东北网2021年06月02日新闻汇总:中国网络文学发展迅猛 写手年收入高达数百万 2021-06-02 10:50 [742][东北网读书] 剑桥大学出版社全球总裁:给西方看纯中国 2021-06-02 10:50 [743][东北网读书] “宇粉”共享《大宇神秘惊奇》的作者签名 2021-06-02 10:50 [744][东北网国内]
- The Charles D. Gould, Jr. Digital Collection (UMKC Law)
- 江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产-广西新闻网:2021-3-1 · 3月1日,《新华每日电讯》刊载题为《江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产》的报道 新华社记者刘亢、凌军辉、陈刚、郑生竹 复工半月有余,一嘲抢 ...
- Come on Home, Tigers! (MU)
- Cows on the Lawn (MU)
- Devil's Island Paintings (MU Museum of Art and Archaeology)
- Index to Selected Missouri Newspapers (SHS)
- Joplin 1902 Picture Booklet (Joplin Public Library)
- Joplin 1913 Picture Booklet (Joplin Public Library)
- Joplin Historical Postcards (Joplin Public Library)
- Joseph K. Redmond, Jr. Collection (UMKC)
- Kansas City Sheet Music Collection (UMKC)
- L. Perry Cookingham Collection (UMKC)
- Mainstreet (SHS)
- Was:
- New: Coming soon
- Missouri Botanical Garden (Missouri Botanical Garden)
- Mizzou From the Air: 1919
- Mizzou in 1900 (MU)
- Photographs from the Westhoff Collection at the Boone County Historical Society (Boone County Historical Society)
- Plat Books of Missouri (MU)
- · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to
- R.A. Long City And Country Homes Photo Album (UMKC)
- Richard W. Bolling Collection (UMKC)
- Sanborn Maps for Missouri (MU)
- 无线通信技术各领风骚 智能家居统一标准没有必要 ...:2021-12-14 · 无线通讯协议是智能家居领域的关键技术,是连接设备、实现信息传输的通道,是实现智能产品之间互联互通互控与协同的“桥梁”。不过,目前智能家居市场标准未定,多种无线协议并存,主要的通讯协议有WiFi、Zigbee、蓝牙、Z-wave、Thread ...
- St. Louis Views (UMSL)
- Was:
- New: Coming soon
- Tigers Through the Hoop (MU)
- 江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产-广西新闻网:2021-3-1 · 3月1日,《新华每日电讯》刊载题为《江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产》的报道 新华社记者刘亢、凌军辉、陈刚、郑生竹 复工半月有余,一嘲抢 ...
- University of Missouri Sports Posters (MU)
- Victorian Studio Portrait Photograph Collection (UMKC)
- sub免费网络加速器怎么样
- Wilbur "Buck" Clayton Collection
- World War I Sheet Music Collection (UMKC)
- World War II Sheet Music Collection (UMKC)
- 坚持经济增长和改善民生并举-广西新闻网 - · 经济增长体现出一个国家或地区经济总量的增长速度和生产力的发展程度。改善民生主要是指改善人民群众的基本生存和生活状态,以及民众的基本 ...