-- 9/11/01 -- NYC DOC: We Were There!
C.O. Green
C.O. Fernandezinstagram免费永久加速器 |
C.O. Hanberry
C.O. Vernon
To list of dozen+ Auburn Prison historian Miskell-related presentations on this website.
To Auburn Prison history quiz based on this website's Miskell-related presentations.

DOC's 2017 5K Run Began in 1979
Click left for 2017 5K video. <---> Click right for story of 1979 start. |
Links, Status, Admins, Counts |
Ex-DOC Dep. Commissioner Turso Honored as DSNY Columbia Assn. 'Man of Year.'

Above: Click image left for PDF summary. <---> Click image right for detailed web 8-pager. |
The Cemetery Within a Cemetery: Soldiers' Plot in Potter's Field
April 12, 1903 Newspaper Report on NYC DOC Lessons for Abusive Husbands |
|  |

Saluting NY's Reform School Ship as SUNY Maritime College Ancestor?
Click image above left for PDF summary. <---> Click image above right for detailed web 8-parter. |
Founding NYCHS trustees confer (1999): Then long-time Board of Correction member Barbara Margolis and then NYC DOC First Deputy Commissioner Gary Lanigan.
 Click image for Bobbie's Vera obit. Use browser's back button to return.
Barbara Margolis:
NYCHS Founding Trustee
We mourn our loss.
We celebrate her life.
With NYC Reformatory & NYS Dannemora inmates, Ernest W. Blue cleared woods outside the walls. |
Click image to access stories on Ernest W. Blue & Robert Rosenbluth's forestry camps for prisoners.
Mystery photo: When female officers could wear skirts. Click ---> |
Mystery photo 2: When Jackie McMickens posed with pipe band at ferry slip. Click ---> |
Rediscovering NYS' Mostly Forgotten 1st Penitentiary: Newgate in NYCW. David Lewis book excerpts |
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 Lewis' book |
instagram加速器安卓下载 www.chadsom.com hosts New York Correction History Society web pages.
E-mail webmaster Thomas C. McCarthy at  |